A Dream Come True

A Dream Come True

Three weeks ago, I experienced a dream of mine come true.  Well, sort of.  When I was in my 20’s I dreamed of moving out west, buying lots of land and creating a sanctuary for wild mustangs to roam free.  Well, life happens, and that dream was never realized....
Labor Day

Labor Day

Recently, we celebrated Labor Day and God brought to my mind many things, including how much I have labored to get to where I am today.  Grieving the loss of my husband and dad along with the little losses of not having them here is hard work.  Allowing feelings...
Birth Day

Birth Day

The first of many blog posts is happening today!  And it just so happens I recently celebrated a birthday.  So, I believe it is only fitting that close to my birthday is the birthday of my blog!  I tend to have a wide range of emotions on birthdays.  Whether it is my...