Hello Friend,
My heart goes out to all the widows in the world trying to find their way. I would be honored to come alongside you and help with that process. I’m a certified life coach for widows because this is my daily walk, and I get how difficult this walk can be.
I learned how to miss my husband AND love my life now. This is 100% possible for you. I can help you get there. Let’s go!
Widow, Survivor & Certified Life Coach
start thriving
The best time to start working towards happiness is now. Embrace the help you need.
you’re not alone
I’ve been there too.
I lost both my husband and my dad in a two-year span, all while raising an infant and toddler. It was like losing a part of my identity and my role in the world.
Life Coaching Saved me.
Drum roll for the best news…I made it through and so can you! I found the help I needed. I did the work and I’m truly thriving. I never ever thought I would say that! I’ll say it again; I love this life I have created.

You can both mourn and have joy.

You can create a life that you love.